Best Tips for Hosting a Garage Sale for Moving

Pleasant weather means it’s a given that garage sales are an excellent way to make a few extra bucks. They can be a simple way to get rid of things you no longer use while making money that can be put towards moving costs. AAA Flat Rate knows downsizing is an important part of the moving process, so here are a few things you can do to make sure your upcoming garage sale is a success.

See if Your Neighbors Will Join In

The key to a successful garage sale is ensuring enough people stop by. Since most of us are more likely to head out if we know there are multiple sales, it’s best to make sure your garage sale coincides with others in your neighborhood. Ask your neighbors if they’re planning anything, and check out NextDoor and Facebook groups to see if anyone in your community is coordinating a multi-family sale. When it comes to garage sales, the more there are in proximity, the more likely you are to do well.  

Create Multiple Listings

Craigslist, Facebook, and other community-oriented forums like NextDoor are great places to start. When posting on Craigslist, include high value items that people may be looking for on an individual basis, like specific pieces of furniture, electronics, or power tools. Don’t neglect traditional print advertisements in local newspapers either; believe it or not, people still read them. Be particular about what exactly you’re selling, include the date and time, and include its location on a map or mention landmarks that will help people find it more easily.

Place Large Signs

Nothing’s more frustrating than having to turn around to actually read what’s on a sign or to see which direction the arrow to a sale is pointing, so make sure all of your signs are clearly legible. Use large, contrasting colors and make sure it’s clearly visible from the road.

Most garage sale stops are spur of the moment decisions, and nothing will draw people in like well-placed and properly designed signage. Be sure to get out early and place them at major intersections, pointing to the direction of your sale.  

Price Items Separately

While it can be tempting to save on stickers by placing items of like-kind into boxes priced the same dollar amount, these items will inevitably get moved around throughout the day. Marking items individually not only indicates to the person who wants the item that you’ve thought about its value, but it makes it easier on you as the person ringing them up. Make sure you start early in marking your items, and if you’re unsure the value of something, take a moment to look up its price online; you may be surprised what vintage or collectable items go for.

Ensure There’s Enough Change

A common issue people run into the day of their garage sale is realizing they don’t have enough spare change to break large bills from customers. A couple rolls of quarters and a decent stack of $1, $5, and $10 bills should be enough to get you through the day, so stop by your bank before the day of your sale.

Cut Prices Throughout the Day

If your intention is saving space for an upcoming move, there are probably many things you have out that you just want to get rid of. As most people visit garage sales in the morning, visibly cutting your prices throughout the day is a great way to keep people coming.

Place Desirable Items Near the Curb

People who are driving by will be more likely to stop if they see desirable, high-end items from the road. So place your nicest furniture by the curb. Another great way to bring in customers is curating items you simply need to get rid of into a “free” section that’s also clearly visible from the road.

Show That Powered Devices Work

If you’re able to prove to people that small appliances, power tools, and electronics are fully functional and in working order, they’ll be more likely to sell and you’ll fetch a higher price for them. So, it’s a good idea to keep these items together and near a power source or extension cord. If anyone shows interest or inquiries about them, get ready to show them everything is ready to be used when they arrive back home with it.

AAA Flat Rate is Here for You

If you take your time and plan in advance, your next garage sale is sure to be a successful one. The same concept applies to your family’s or company’s relocation needs, and AAA Flat Rate is here to help. Contact us today to find out why customers have been choosing us for over four decades for their moving and storage needs, and to receive a free quote for your next move.




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